Here We Go!

Shooting this fall

Hello Team Sparrow!

It's been a busy time here at headquarters! We could not be more excited to share with you what's been going on behind the scenes. 

Our pre-production work is nearly done. We have secured a location, are finalizing our crew, and our actors are busy in rehearsals. We are set to shoot this Fall! Check out our social pages (@sparrowthemovie on Twitter, Insta and Facebook) to track our progress. All the while, we're endlessly adjusting the budget to make the most of the money that YOU contributed. (Thank you again!)

An adorable baby cuddled up in a stroller with a sun hat on and adult sunglasses

Oh, and our producer Shannon gave birth to our new production intern. Meet the littlest Sparrow.

We can't wait to get on set. Here we go! ...

Ready to fly,

Anson, Tim, Blaze, Matt, Shannon, Justin and Danny


A Special Note to Our Fans!


Happy Holidays!