A Moment of Gratitude

What the Sparrow Said logo over a Thanksgiving dinner table

Hi Team! 

We are so grateful for all your support and for joining the Sparrow movement! These past few months have been a whirlwind of excitement and passion. Thank you for lifting us to the next level!

As the weather gets cooler, we are hunkering down into the rehearsal phase with our illustrious director Tim Guinee. With the creative process being as mysterious as it is, we’re going to draw the red velvet curtain for the next few months on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. But don't fret - we will still be sending our monthly email updates to you, our amazing donors, and you can always contact us at sparrowthemovie@gmail.com. This is an intimate process, and we are in great hands (thanks to YOU!).

We can’t wait to emerge and share what we’ve done!! 


Shannon, Danny, Blaze, Matt, Justin, Tim & Anson


Happy Holidays!


Rehearsal Mode