Dearest Team Sparrow - 

From our family to yours, we hope you are well. What a time we've all been through since we last wrote to you! 

Since our pick up shoot, we completed the meticulous process of post-production, taking the footage from our 2018 shoot and combining it with the NYC street scenes from 2019. Director Tim Guinee fine-tuned his vision working alongside a talented team: editor Jim Stanger, colorist Daniel Silverman, sound editor Matt Haasch, sound mixer Pat Donahue from String & Can, foley artist Jack Peck from Stepping Stone Foley, and foley mixer Micah Blaichman from Stepping Stone Foley - each who added layer after nuanced layer to ensure Sparrow was of the highest quality. 

And now ...

Drum roll please ...

Sparrow is done! That's a wrap! Our film is finished and this bird is ready to soar. CELEBRATION 🥳💯

To mark the occasion, we have an exciting announcement: our website is live! Check out what YOU have been a part of creating, and get a sneak peek of actual images from the movie! As part of this, we will be closing down our Indiegogo page shortly but we moved everything important to the website - and will continue to keep you posted via updates that will now come directly from the website.

The next step is festivals. Executive Producer Anson Mount, and our tireless co-producers Shannon and Justin, have begun the submission process. As we hear back you will be the first to know.

Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for staying with us, believing in us, and checking in as we hunkered down in post-production. We couldn't have made anything without you and are thrilled to finally share Sparrow with the world. As soon as we are able to share the film with you, we will.

Also keep an eye on social media in the coming weeks 👀

Till then, thank you again.

Your fans,
the What the Sparrow Said team,
Anson Mount, Tim Guinee, Danny Rocco, Matt Hurley, Blaze Mancillas, Shannon Fillion and Justin Brock Schantz


When can I see the film?


Post Production Update