Thank You, Donors!

Superfan Anette took her Sparrow t-shirt hiking in the Italian Dolomites!

Because of you, the #sparrowthemovie campaign was a total success! Thank you, thank you everyone: for your dedication, contributions, messages, posts and love. This has been an amazing few weeks. And we're just beginning. 

Your perks will be mailed shortly! If you ordered a t-shirt and have not yet emailed us your t-shirt size please fill out this quick form here.

Keep an eye on your mailboxes! We will announce Anson Mount's Facebook Live Q&A very soon (stay tuned!). And we will be updating you at every step of the way. Stay tuned to this page for updates, and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook @sparrowthemovie!

Again, thank you. Cheers to you and to making bold and powerful art!


Incentives Mailed!


FaceBook Live Q&A