Welcome to “What the Sparrow Said”

Superfan Anette took her Sparrow t-shirt hiking in the Italian Dolomites!

Dear Team Sparrow, 

Last Friday, at the halfway point of our campaign, we surpassed our $25k benchmark goal! Because of your incredible support and generosity, we will be able to get this bird flyin' - but it's not over yet. 

We need your help: as of today we are launching our new Stretch Goals that will help us improve the quality of the film and bring it to our fans around the world. As a reward for reaching these new goals - we are offering you, our biggest fans, two great Facebook Live Events!

At the first Stretch Goal of 30k, we will be able to pay for post-production including color correction, or what Anson calls "the most important part of post-production." Color Correction can perform real magic on any project and make the final video look outstanding. Footage shot with inexpensive cameras can look like it was shot with cameras costing tens of thousand of dollars. And what do you get? When we hit 30k we will do a Facebook Live Q&A with Sparrow stars Blaze Mancillas and Matt Hurley! 

At the second Stretch Goal of 35k, we can pay for festival entry fees to bring Sparrow to festivals all around the US and around the world. The more entry fees we can afford, the more people can see our film. And we may be able to come to your town! And what do you get? When we hit 35k, Anson Mount himself will do a Facebook Live Q&A with you guys!

Only 12 days remaining! Now is the time to be our ambassadors and help us soar even higher. Ask your friends and loved ones to join the Sparrow movement now!


Anson, Tim, Shannon, Justin, Danny, Blaze and Matt


FaceBook Live Q&A